FIMA US 2025

April 07 - 08, 2025

Westin Copley Place, Boston MA

Tarun Sood

Chief Data Officer American Century Investments

Day 1: Addressing Today’s Most Pressing Data Needs

9:00 AM Opening Keynote Panel Discussion | Redefining Roles: The Case for Data Teams as Independent Business Units

With CDO’s and their teams enabling business success across every aspect of the business, has the time come for them to get a permanent seat at the table? With the average tenure of a CDO being around 2-3 years, proving value from the get-go is imperative. Join us as we explore if the time has come for CDO’s to step outside of operations or technology and be directly tied to the business. We will explore: 

  • Ways to understand your business better to highlight the best actionable goals and objectives.  
  • Creating roadmaps to success for each data team by connecting them with the appropriate business counterpart. 
  • Creating an environment of proactivity for finding and addressing issues across the enterprise.  
  • What being considered your own business team means for the hierarchy of reporting. 
  • How AI is impacting the evolution of data analytics teams.  

4:15 PM Panel Discussion | How Data Governance Can Deliver Business Value

As business units around the financial industry learn to become more data driven, continuing growth and data driven decision making will be differentiating factors in whether financial organizations will see success. This is where data governance comes in. By ensuring proper data quality and data controls, data governance teams will ensure that data is properly being leveraged to produce business value. Join us for a panel that looks at ways that data teams can deliver value through governance. 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Tarun.

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